Jeffers Music Company have instruments to suit all size churches from the large Cathedral to the small country church. You may wish to check out some of our church installations in your area. Please visit our ‘INSTALLATIONS’ page map of Ireland to see where we have church installations in your local area.
Viscount Organs have digital organs from portable keyboard organs to single, two, three and four manual models to suit all of your requirements. Please visit the Viscount Organs Website our UK suppliers to view the vast range of models available. Click on ‘INSTRUMENTS’ for an overview of the Viscount organs available.
Viscount also design and build bespoke custom digital organs. Please visit Regent Classic Organs website to find out more at the Regent Classic Website
For the current range of Yamaha digital pianos suitable for use in churches please visit the Yamaha Digital Pianos Website

+353 (0)87 2559922

Jeffers Music Company Ltd.
2 Cloughmacsimon Business Park, Bandon, Co. Cork.
Republic of Ireland
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