Jeffers Music Company provide a nationwide service for electronic and digital church organs and digital pianos. We have a number of electronic engineers nationwide at our disposal with many years of experience in the repair of church organs. We can arrange the service of any make of electronic or digital church organ. When contacting us please have the make and model of organ to hand and a brief discription of any faults or issues with the instrument. We also offer a cleaning and check over service option. Many instruments have been installed for decades now without having had any attention or servicing which is not a wise situation. Having an instrument regularily cleaned and checked over is seen as preventitive medicine and promotes longevity. Just leaving it until something breaks down is a false economy and it may let you down at an inconvenient time. Contact us today to book in your instrument for a health check and cleaning.
Servicing gallery

+353 (0)87 2559922

Jeffers Music Company Ltd.
2 Cloughmacsimon Business Park, Bandon, Co. Cork.
Republic of Ireland
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